Word of the Week 2022
Keep up with the Word of the Week Scripture reflections! See the bulletin also.
Note that the entire year is now online.
January 1/ January 8/ January 15/ January 22/ January 29
February 2/ February 5/ February 12/ February 19/ February 26
March 5/ March 12/ March 19/ March 26
April 2/ April 9/ April 16/ April 23/ April 30
May 7/ May 14/ May 21/ May 28
June 4/ June 11/ June 18/ June 25
July 2/ July 9/ July 16/ July23/ July 30
August 6/ August 13/ August 20/ August 27
September 3/ September 10/ September 17/ September 24
October 1/ October 8/ October 15/ October 22/ October 29
November 1/ November 5/ November 12/ November 19/ November 26
Special Devotions
Exposition, Holy Hour with Rosary is held Thursdays from 1-2PM.
The Labyrinth at Sacred Heart
Unlike a maze, which befuddles and confuses, a labyrinth is a form of contemplative prayer that takes the pilgrim on a journey of discovery.
The labyrinth’s winding path mimics the road of life, with its unexpected turns. Walking it is a miniature pilgrimage that helps us to reflect on our life.
Twice a year we convert the church hall into a pilgrimage site. The labyrinth has been part of our spiritual lives here at Sacred Heart since 2000.
For more information, click on the labyrinth pamphlet.
Moments in Between
A Mini Retreat Experience
MOMENTS IN BETWEEN, the space between the big events of our lives, the holy pause that refreshes.
Through short video presentations these mini-retreat experiences introduce us to some of the world’s great spiritual GUIDES: Ronald Rolheiser,OMI, Sister Joan Chittister, OSB, Father Henri Nouwen, Father Richard Rohr, etc… Our time together consists of input, contemplative silence, reflection, and optional sharing.
Check our Bulletin for updated information.
Taizé Prayer
During the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent we experience the beautiful CHANTS OF TAIZÉ.(See the Bulletin for dates and times.)
Taizé prayer is a distinctive style of meditative prayer developed by an ecumenical community of monks in rural France. This quiet, moving reflective prayer combines elements of the Church’s traditional Liturgy of the Hours with elements of contemplative meditation.
A typical Taizé prayer service incorporates periods of silence with meditative readings from Scripture and contemporary prose, prayers of praise and intercessory prayer. Short songs or chants, repeated over and over again, create a meditative environment. The intent is to gradually move prayer from the head to the heart.
“It is a time to rest in God, to let the words listened to and sung penetrate one’s being.”
Do check back to see when we will be offering our next Taizé evening of prayer. We are hoping for the Fall, a time when all of us will need the blessings and graces that such an evening of prayer can offer.
Spiritual Support for Parishioners
The following links are offered to you during this difficult time of separation from our parish community. Let us all pray for one another and help one another as best we can. Check back for additional links.
Sr. Kathleen
A Faith Response to the Coronavirus
(Brief Reflections on the week’s Scripture readings)
Sacred Heart Prayer Garden
Consider ordering a brick in memory of/or to honor a relative or friend. Order forms for the bricks can be found AT THE APPROPRIATE LINK BELOW, or can be picked up at the rectory. Orders can be submitted at any time. However, bricks will be ordered and planted in the fall and spring only. Those who order bricks will be notified of the date for the Blessing of the newly planted bricks.
Contact: Eileen Reilly at 718-428-2200 EXT. 104
Order forms must be downloaded, filled out and returned to the Rectory with payment.