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Sacred Heart of Jesus
215-35 38th Ave
Bayside, NY 11361
Georgette Lyons

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Or are you a baptized Catholic who never received Confirmation and Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which persons follow the call of God to faith and to unity with the Catholic Church. Any questions, call Mrs. Georgette Lyons at 718-631-1307.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a program for people interested in the Catholic faith, whether they are non-Catholics thinking about becoming Catholic, or Catholics who wish to learn more and/or embrace  the Catholic faith. The program starts with a period of instruction and progresses into a more in-depth experience of Catholicism and then invites participants into a process of initiation. Often this includes the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism (for those not yet baptized, or baptized in another denomination), Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist.